Part 42

“Hey Ravi, wait for a second....” came a female voice from behind.

Agent Scar turned back for a moment and when he saw it was Shreya, he ignored her and continued walking towards Sudheer’s house.

Finally Shreya did catch up with Ravi and panting said, “Why didn’t you stop when I called....”

“I don’t want to talk to you...go away...” said Ravi.

“Don’t act like a girl....I came to give you this....” said she and thrust into Ravi’s hand a small cover.

“I don’t want anything...leave me alone...” said Ravi and continued walking.

“Hey I know it was your birthday day before yesterday... I just can’t seem to forget you...” said Shreya.

“Well then try harder... I like Pooja and stop disturbing us OK?” said Ravi and was about to throw that cover away but Shreya stopped him and said “At least have one look at it....”

Ravi just kept that in his pocket and went away leaving Shreya to softly shed tears in silence...

Ravi reached Sudheer’s house and saw that it was a duplex house and when he rang the door bell a middle aged women came and opened the door.

“Is Sudheer at home?” asked Ravi.

“He is in his room can go directly there through those steps...” said she pointing towards a staircase.

Ravi thanked her and went directly upstairs.

He knocked on a locked reply for a few minutes... he knocked again. Then he heard a few sounds and when door opened he was surprised to see a very messy haired boy with shabby clothes drinking cola.

"Sudheer, what happened?" asked Ravi.

"Why are you asking that man?" said Sudheer equally surprised by that question.

"I mean, look at you...this is not how you usually are at school..." said Ravi.

"That is school and this is my arena...and currently I am gaming and I like to comfortable while doing the way come on in..." said Sudheer.

Ravi was a little amazed by that had a large high definition TV which was on and displayed the start screen Street Fighter and Sudheer went and sat in front of it still sipping cola... Ravi also went and sat beside him.

Sudheer said,"Hey Ravi remember I told you about this fighting game...want to play?"

"Umm, yes but I don't know how to..." said Ravi a little embarrassed.

"It's no rocket science...just tap a few buttons and the aim of the game is to reduce the life points of your opponent to zero before the stipulated time..." said Sudheer

Then they started playing and Ravi lost badly against Sudheer's Ken...a little while later Ravi got bored of street fighter because it didn't allow him to fight the way he wanted but had to fight how the game was designed...

Sudheer said,"Hey Ravi there are limitations to this you can't fight as you want...but in the next game you can drive as you wish... do you have a Need for Speed?"

Ravi said he had nothing better to do and another hour of intense graphic filled round of racing virtually took place.

Sudheer's mom then came and gave some snacks but Ravi refused to take it and was getting ready to leave...just before he left he asked Sudheer,"Hey what do you think is a nice gift for a girl friend?"

Sudheer was a bit shocked and said,"You have a girl friend?"

"That is not the point...give me some advice on what to buy..." said Ravi seriously.

"Well it depends...did you first propose her or she proposed you?" asked Sudheer.

"Whats that got to do with gifting?" asked Ravi a little puzzled.

"Well, if the girl proposed you first...she would have lots of feelings for you and would accept anything from you but if you had proposed first...well its better if you know the tastes of your girl better?"said Sudheer in a style that was reminiscent of Gurus who impart wisdom.

"Aren't there any gifts that are you know...universally liked by girls?" asked Ravi.

Sudheer thought for a while and said ,"Well most girls like puppies or something cuddly..."

An idea struck Agent Scar's mind the moment he heard the word "Puppies" and got a huge smile over his face.

Ravi said,"One last question...who is this Spider-Man?"

Sudheer was shocked again and said,"What are you man... some kind of Last Warrior from Another Planet? don't know Street Fighter, you don't know Spider-Man...what is it that you know then?"

"If only I could tell you Sudheer..." said Ravi slowly.

"Anyway...Spider Man is one of my favourite super heroes of all time...its a story of how a teenager gets bitten by radioactive spider and gains its abilities and uses them to fight evil..." said Sudheer as a matter of factly.

"Tell me long story short...why do you like it so much..." asked Ravi.

Thinking deeply Sudheer said,"With great power comes great responsibility...those are the words of Ben Parker...the uncle of Spider-Man and that is kind of my motto...anything else you want to ask me?"

"No...thanks again...bye" said Ravi and left the place.

While he was walking Agent Scar called a secret no. from his inhibitor cum watch and said,"Requesting a Blood Fang" and cut the call.

As he was going he had too many thoughts on his mind and to clear them he decided to take a walk...Assassin Style and quickly climbed a rooftop and started running over wind blowing through his messy hair...looking down during the little jumps he had to make while crossing from one building to another...he liked that feeling.

As he was crossing one alley he could hear the screams of one man who was saying something like ,"Please don't rob me...Its very tough for me to feed my kids...please don't take my money."

Ignoring those pleas for help he continued running thinking its the duty of the police to nab thieves but even after running for a little distance he could hear the screams of that person with his enhanced hearing and after a few minutes of pondering he went back and directly jumped into that narrow alley landing exactly on the robber who was threatening that poor man with a knife and that robber died as all of his bones had broken due to the impact from the fall. But that boy who jumped showed no signs of distress...he was perfectly normal though he jumped down from over 5 stories.

The poor man was extremely surprised by the turn of events and before he could thank that messy haired boy whose face he could not see clearly that messy haired boy had ran away. Suddenly a police vehicle came and saw the crime scene and were equally baffled by the story that poor man told them.

Then back at Agent Scar's place his heart was beating at an extremely fast rate...that was not because of the running or jumping but the simple fact that he made use of his Assassin Abilities to help one person gave him some kind of satisfaction he had never experienced before.

Then the words ,"With great power comes great responsibility" started rotating in his head and he said to himself,"Thank you Spider-Man, because of you, I saved one human today." and at that point he decided to help other humans who were in trouble...


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